Thank you for considering a donation to support us.
Checks payable to Miami Friends Meeting may be mailed to
1185 Sunset Dr.
Coral Gables, FL 33143
You can also make one-time or recurring donations online with a credit/debit card or bank account. This can be done through Paypal, but we prefer that you use our financial partner, Friends Fiduciary, which offers lower fees.
If you choose Friends Fiduciary you will be redirected to our donation page with them, which also includes information about other ways you can donate. If you opt for Paypal you will be redirected to a Paypal donation form for Miami Friends. No matter what you choose we are grateful for your generousity. Donors will receive an acknowledement letter for tax purposes which is sent during February for the prior year.
If you represent a group that uses space at the meeting house you can also make your payments through Paypal. We ask that you find the place to add a message and let us know which group it is and when you meet. If you can't find where to do that, you can let us know by sending an email to